Sure School Support

Go beyond AI detection

Understand & support student learning in the age of AI.

Gain insights into AI usage in your classroom, assess topic understanding, and identify where students need additional help. SureSchool AI Detect is your ally in student learning in the age of AI.

Helping you improve academic outcomes

Generative AI is here to stay. Our mission is to provide teachers with resources to ensure students are learning effectively while using AI responsibly. We believe that AI can transform education, but we also understand that it comes with limitations and risks. With SureSchool AI Detect, teachers can better understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses and adapt educational approaches for success.

Identify AI generated content

Accurately detect AI-generated content from popular tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot. Check the authenticity of your students’ work and promote a culture of honesty and integrity.

Deepen student learning

Identify areas where students may lack understanding to fine-tune your teaching approach. By detecting AI-generated content, you can address gaps in student knowledge.

Get the best from AI

Verify that your students are using AI tools responsibly and meaningfully to support their learning rather than simply copying answers.

Built for educators

Stay focused on student learning. SureSchool AI Detect is easy to use and quick to onboard. Get started in minutes without extensive training or the support of an IT department.

Optimised accuracy

We utilise ground breaking technology, blending 2 unique models to ensure the upmost accuracy when detecting AI and more importantly avoiding false positives!

Ethical and secure

SureSchool AI Detect diligently protects student data. Your submissions remain private, securely stored in the UK, and fully compliant with data privacy regulations.

Quick. Accurate. Easy.

SureSchool AI Detect is designed for simplicity and effectiveness. Confidently support your students’ learning by identifying and addressing AI usage in their work.

AI highlighter

AI-written content is highlighted visually for fast and easy detection. Because it’s easy to read, it’s straightforward for teachers to identify AI usage.

Probability score

Get a percentage-based score indicating the likelihood of AI usage. Lower scores suggest human-written text and higher scores indicate AI-generated content.

Document history

Store document results with unique names and descriptions. Easily see history and track learning insights and trends over time.

Dual-model analysis for complete confidence

No one wants to fear false positives that can lead to false accusations. Unlike other tools, SureSchool AI Detect combines two complementary AI models—Predict and Clarity—for an accuracy of 98%, providing highly reliable results that support teacher judgment.

Predict model

The predict model analyses how unpredictable the language use and writing patterns are in the text. It examines linguistic structures, coherence, and stylistic consistency to estimate whether a text is written by a human.

Clarity model

The clarity model uses advanced algorithms to scan for known AI writing signatures and patterns, highlighting exact sentences that are likely produced by AI. This model ensures that any AI-generated content is accurately detected and flagged for review.

Equipping students and teachers for the future

To be effective educational institutions, we must adapt to the world of technology and learn how we can use it to positively impact our students. AI is evolving at a rapid rate, and it can be overwhelming for educators to stay updated. That’s where we come in. With comprehensive tools, training, and programs to support educators in navigating AI advancements, together we can prepare students for the future.